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Peabody Rewrites The Rulebook After Wildfire At North Goonyella 28th May 2019

Peabody rewrites the rulebook after wildfire at North Goonyella 28th May 2019

Peabody Energy will pursue broad-based reform of the way it manages its pan-Pacific coal mining fleet following  the explosive collision of failings that resulted in an underground wildfire at its most profitable single operation, the North Goonyella coking coal project in Queensland’s Bowen Basin.

The St Louis-based miner, which  bills itself as the world’s biggest listed pure coal play, this week delivered the Queensland Mines Inspectorate with the results of an internal review of the causes of, and responses to, an underground fire that has seen North Goonyella  shut down since last September.

In listing its solutions, Peabody has revealed the failings that triggered and then exacerbated the problems to the point that the coal it was supposed to be mining ended up on fire.

Peabody has accepted the proposition that North Goonyella management did not fully understand what was happening beneath their feet, that they then fuelled the primary problem rather than defuse it, and that its hazard management and crisis response efforts were challenged by the “differing viewpoints” of site management and the external experts and mine regulators that were necessarily invited to help with crisis management.

For all the jargon and corporate-speak, the self-assessment released by Peabody late on Wednesday is boldly honest and lands with an illuminating nine-point list of operational, technical and managerial reforms that are already being implemented at North Goonyella.

Peabody continues to call the fire an example of spontaneous combustion. To a degree that is fair enough. But the miner now acknowledges that it actively, and quite literally, fanned the super-heating problems that caused the unanticipated increase in methane and carbon dioxide levels that precipitated the costly crisis.

To be very clear on that cost, in February Peabody assessed that maintaining the mine through its period of inactivity would cost up to $US35 million ($49 million) a quarter. It also revealed that recuperation of the mine would cost $US110 million and that it was going to need to offer unspecified compensation to the owner of the longwall equipment that was entombed in efforts to extinguish the fire.

Oh, and an operation that according to accounts lodged with the corporate regulator generated a $100 million profit through its last full year of operation has not contributed a cent in cash flow since mining ceased a couple of weeks before the fire took hold.

It will be over by Christmas

At this stage Peabody is still hoping to have North Goonyella mining-ready by the end of this year and producing at a run-rate of 2 million tonnes annually by the end of the first quarter of 2020.

Just how closely the recovery of North Goonyella will run to current design and timetable will remain uncertain until Peabody people can get themselves back underground to eyeball a still uncertain situation. And that cannot happen until the mine is fully reventilated and effectively dewatered.

Getting adequate levels of oxygen back into the sterile void established to extinguish the fire is recognised as the key hurdle ahead for the mine and its management. To understand why, you need only to appreciate that oxygen was the original trigger ingredient in this crisis.

As longwall equipment moves down the coal face, it leaves behind it a long emptiness that miners call the goaf. And when the equipment that digs that hole reaches the end of the long holes that it digs, it needs to be deconstructed and turned around. This process is risky for many reasons. But one of those risks is that, if it takes too long, the coal left in the goaf is vulnerable to excessive oxidation.

Peabody has now concluded that the way it moved its longwalls was too ponderous. It will now focus on reducing the time the goaf is exposed by completing the task of unmaking the longwall equipment before it moves the kit to the next working panel. The practice now abandoned was to assemble at the new panel while the disassembly went on in the old.

Peabody has also found that the way North Goonyella’s ventilation systems worked, too much air was allowed to enter the goaf created along North Goonyella’s No. 9 longwall panel. When air comes into contact with coal, there is inevitably oxidation. That creates the heat that increases carbon dioxide and methane to levels past what is habitable.

The Peabody view is that mine management, drawing on advice of external experts and working in co-operation with the Queensland Mines Inspectorate (QMI), focused mitigation effort on managing the elevated levels of methane that were being recorded early in September last year.

As a result, mine management increased the tempo of the ventilation. But that only served to intensify the oxidation. By late September that resulted in super-heated coal and the mine self-immolated.

The path to self-immolation

Ahead of that fire starting The Australian Financial Review was gifted news from the coal face that North Goonyella had gas and super-heating issues, that a fire was imminent, that the mine risked losing its longwall equipment, which was mid-move, and that management seemed not to be on top of its response.

On September 18 the Financial Review reported Peabody assurances that work underground had been suspended for a week because of elevated methane and carbon dioxide readings but that work would get back on track imminently.

The Peabody review says management was left confident that the heating issues were under control by “fluctuating gas readings” that allowed everyone the option of believing the injection of nitrogen had solved the gas issues.

Not two weeks later the mine was on fire.

Peabody sheeted this failure of communication and imagination to how the mine is managed. As a result it is going to “evaluate decision-making processes to address the challenges of remotely managing an underground indicate solely from the surface, which can lead to unclear or ambiguous results,” the company told the QMI.

Peabody will also improve the way it monitors and analyses its gas data so that it more actively identifies increased oxidation levels. That will involve increased training to better understand “fire gas indicators, gas management and spontaneous combustion” and more actively appreciate the interplay between ventilation and oxidation.

It is hard to read this part of the response plan as anything but a concession that Peabody’s people were under-skilled for the challenge presented at panel No. 9.

Too many cooks

Just as worrying, in my book, is that site management seems to have felt hamstrung in its response by the lack of a protocol in the way it interacted with its external exports and the QIM.

“At times, it was challenging for the SIMT [site incident management team] to co-ordinate and address differing viewpoints from multiple stakeholders,” Peabody reported. “Although these outside parties each play critical roles in responding to a mine emergency, the varied viewpoints need to be effectively managed and facilitated during an incident.”

As a result Peabody will appoint an independent facilitator to smooth and speed the “decision-making process” at times of this sort of crisis.

Peabody’s review of its emergency response has proved very productive. Peabody people could not prevent the fire from happening or put it out expeditiously because its people were forced out of the mine by the gas that indicated there was a problem in the first place.

Peabody noted that managing oxidation and putting out fires is “difficult” when you have to do it from the surface. So, when North Goonyella does re-open, it will do so with a new generation of monitoring technology, with new remote-control ventilation equipment and with whatever technology there is, new or old, that allows miners or their controllers upstairs to shut down portions of a longwall in the name of fire prevention.

“These types of devices could be closed by personnel as part of an evacuation sequence, or through remote means. Emergency seals, which can be installed at chute and gate roads at longwall panels, will also be considered as part of an emergency sealing process,” Peabody said.

Peabody’s will not be the last word on the events that locked it out of North Goonyella. As is necessary routine in events this serious, the QMI is running its own investigation. Many in the Queensland coal sector see that appraisal as a litmus of the health of the inspectorate and its capacity to effectively oversee the state of coal mining safety in Queensland.

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