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The Likely Bulldozing Of The Town Of Glenden And 300 Houses Due To An Approval By Resources Minister Scott Stewart For A 450 Bed Fly In Fly Out Camp

The likely bulldozing of the town of Glenden and 300 houses due to an approval by Resources Minister Scott Stewart for a 450 bed fly in fly out camp

I can well understand the Isaac Mayor frustration and anger she must feel, and admire Anne for how politely she expressed it.

After the Council using the State Legal System for 4 years, winning three times and spending $600,000 of ratepayers money to fight the plans of QCoal to just build a 450 bed and ignore the already established town of Glenden and its existing infrastructure, is beyond a kick in the guts.

It is a deliberate stab in the back by the so called Resource Minister Scott Stewart to just ignore the wins in the Environmental Court, and just give QCoal what they wanted all the time on a silver platter.

What does Minister Stewart have as reasons to do so?

Our Council has spent $600,000 in legal fees over the last four years with three positive outcomes.

We wanted to ensure QCoal builds its mining camp and hybrid housing model within the town boundaries of Glenden as it promised.

Our residents stare down the barrel of a gun.

The Queensland Government and billion-dollar mining companies stand over us pointing that gun.

They’ve got the power to save our community of Glenden.

But for some reason the State is not walking the walk and industry are silent.

Why is that?

We won the unwinnable against Goliath in a transparent path of natural justice in the Planning and Environment Court.

Some weeks later I received a phone call from Queensland Minister for Resources, Scott Stewart.

He informed me of his preliminary approval of a 450-bed workforce camp on QCoal’s mining lease.

My heart sank, my blood boiled and all I could feel was the heartache for the residents of Glenden.


Why is it no surprise that the so called Resources Minister Scott Stewart just rolled over on his back and granted Q Coals deepest wish for a 450 bed camp?

Why would anyone be surprised that he ignored the legal wins by Isaac Council over QCoals plan?

Why would anyone think he remotely cares about 300 houses and a town being bulldozed?

Why would anyone be surprised by Minster Stewart doing so by telephone to the Mayor?

]Where is the press conference by the Minister explaining why and being asked unscripted questions?

Typical of everything Minister Stewart does there are no reasons as to how and why he decided to stab the residents and miners in Glenden and other Central Qld Coal Mining Towns in the back.

He certainly was not brave enough to go to tell the Council in person let alone the residents of Glenden.

No doubt when he is invited to Officially open the 450 bed Q Coal camp he will need a paper map and a GPS to drive there.

After all he only likes to be seen at openings of Mines such as New Acland recently, or attending conferences and giving meaningless speeches on subjects he knows nothing about.

Like all the current Government; they just love the royalty money that builds the latest shiny thing for the Olympics or more infrastructure  in South East Qld while women in Central Qld towns are having babies on the side of the road.

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