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I said words to the effect We are issuing a Directive tonight to suspend operations. No-one is to access the underground workings.” I recall Glen Britton challenging me by asking, with words to the effect of  “On what Grounds? Who would make the decision? And where was the risk?  Inspector A and I responded that it was on the ground of an unacceptable level of risk. I said that we did not have any relevant data to interpret as yet and we did not know what had caused the ignition. At the conclusion of the conversation, Mr Britton laughed and walked away.

  • July 22, 2021

There is a large amount of material available to the Grosvenor Inquiry that has never been tendered as evidence and has not been made public. This includes the Statements from…

Grosvenor Mine Inquiry Key Issue 4 Submission number 2. “Neither a strata collapse or a methane explosion in the goaf was “the mechanism by which an explosive concentration of methane was expelled on to the longwall face.” The major source of the explosive concentration of methane on the Longwall face was methane gas “bubbling out the floor”.

  • April 25, 2021

Please find attached my submission for Key Issue 4 Number 1) What the evidence establishes about the nature and cause of the serious accident at Grosvenor mine on 6 May…

GROSVENOR MINE INQUIRY SUBMISSION 1, Key Issue 4. “The relative likelihood of a strata collapse in the goaf being the mechanism by which an explosive concentration of methane was expelled on to the longwall face.” The Evidence does not support that a major sudden failure of strata in the tailgate was the reason for the first overpressure event.

  • April 24, 2021

This is my Submission and the 3 Mine Record Attachments sent to the Grosvenor Inquiry this evening. Key Issue 4 Submission Grosvenor Mine Inquiry. The relative likelihood of a strata…