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Crime And Misconduct Commission Referral Request Non-Prosecution Anglo Grosvenor Management

Crime and Misconduct Commission Referral Request Non-Prosecution Anglo Grosvenor Management

3rd March 2022

To Scott Stewart

Queensland Natural Resources Minister

Re: CMC Referral Formal Request Non-Prosecution Anglo Grosvenor Management May 2020 methane explosion, 5 workers critically burnt.

This correspondence is in addition to that sent to you on the 1st March 2022

In my opinion, there is no doubt that the Organisation who has a charter to uphold safety and health, RSHQ, have directly contributed the obfuscation of facts out of a desire to remain out of public scrutiny in its conduct both as an Organisation and as Individual Officers.

The question remains whether malfeasance has occurred by one or several public officials in relation to the matter.

I am also now formally requesting that you refer the matter to the Crime and Misconduct Commission for further investigation.

I have previously on the 1st March 2022, formally requested that you exercise whatever Ministerial Powers, Directions and Discretion you possess to conduct a formal review of the Prosecution brief provided by RSHQ to the OWHS Prosecutor and the following requests.

  • Firstly, the outcome should be to establish whether an appropriate Prosecution brief was developed and provided by RSHQ and whether this brief was influenced by a person or persons within the RSHQ to the detriment of the prosecution. (This includes why only the events of May 6th 2020 were provided for the OWHS Prosecutors consideration.
  • Secondly it would be my wish that RSHQ provide a more appropriate objective Prosecution brief for consideration by an objective person without potential conflict as interest.
  • Thirdly it would be my wish that the Minister ask the OWHS Prosecutor to consider a new brief for possible Prosecutions.

In closing, I am also now formally requesting that you refer the matter to the Crime and Misconduct Commission for further investigation.

Yours in Safety

Stuart Vaccaneo

This Post Has One Comment
  1. Absolutely criminal how they put inexperienced people into positions of authority yes they have the brains but not the experience as a great brain to the mining industry stated to me that they do not know what they do not know

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