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Grosvenor Inquiry Submission. CONTROL ROOM OPERATORS (CRO)

Grosvenor Inquiry Submission. CONTROL ROOM OPERATORS (CRO)


My 1 page submission is in the above link and copied below


It is totally inappropriate to expect overworked CONTROL ROOM OPERATORS to conduct in depth analysis of Gas Chromatograph results beyond noting if TARPS have been exceeded and passing that Information through for the Statutory Officials to take action including the VO and UMM.


INDEPENDENT Analysis of the Level 1 Emergency Exercises and documented Mine Site Spontaneous Combustion Events over the last 20 years, with the express purpose of assessing what are realistic achievable expectations on what a sole CRO can achieve.
An industry forum including all Underground SSE’s UMM’s, VO’s and Control Room Operators to decide on the appropriate duties for a SINGLE CRO being on shift and what additional assistance is available on a normal shift, when gas and spontaneous combustion related TARPS are first triggered and in Emergencies.
All Mines adopt and implement the Recommendations.

COMMENTS IN ALL LEVEL 1 EMERGENCY EXERCISE REPORTS that CRO’s cannot be expected to deal with an EMERGENCY alone.
They need dedicated assistance including activating at least a Second trained and competent CRO.
Control Rooms become crowded, noisy with many people coming in and out with competing requirements.
CRO’s cannot spend all their time.
1) Looking at Gas Chromatograph and other gas detection data and fulfill all the other safety related tasks in the event of an Emergency or when Mines are in a high level TARP situation.
2) Answering safety communications from Underground to surface and vice vera
3) Responding to Alarms
4) Receiving and chasing up the production related information that Face ERZC’s are required to Communicate to the CRO’s for them to record and pass on for actions.

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